Horses With Moustache: Can Horses Grow Mustache?

Did you ever think about horses with mustaches? Horses can indeed grow mustaches. Learn about the commonness of horse mustaches and their growth cycle. Learn about the common breeds of horses with the right gene to grow a mustache like Gypsy Vanners and Shires. Explore how mustaches are not exclusive to male horses; even mares can grow them. See pictures of horses with mustaches. Uncover FAQs about horses with mustaches, and understand why shaving a horse's whiskers is frowned upon in the equestrian community.

Horses With Moustache: Can Horses Grow Mustache?


Did you know that horses can grow mustaches? Yes! Horses with mustache exist and are more common than you might believe. This phenomenon is certainly a special aspect of our hirsute companions. So, if you ever feel sad, just take a look at the facial hair on these majestic creatures and you may just change your mood. Let's delve deeper into this interesting and somewhat comedic phenomenon of horses growing mustaches.

What's the Story Behind Horses Growing Mustaches?

Horse with mustache

The story behind horses that grow mustaches is a tale that combines science, genetics, and a hint of humor. The ability to grow a mustache is not just the domain of men or limited to the month we call Movember, where men grow mustaches for a cause. Some horses, male or female, are also able to grow whiskers that form mustaches.

The Science Behind Horse Mustaches

This whole thing might seem hard to believe but it’s the science behind horse mustaches that makes them real. The horse's genetics will dictate its ability to grow a mustache. This means that the horse carries the right gene to develop facial hair on its face, just like a man would.

The Commonness of Horse Mustaches

Mustaches in horses are not as common as in humans, but it does occur in certain breeds such as the Gypsy Vanner and the Shire, which we'll explore later. So, whilst not every horse will be capable of sprouting a full handlebar, horse mustaches are common in certain breeds. This is one of those pieces of news that sends the internet into a frenzy.

News Related to Horses with Mustaches

News about horses with mustaches often brings a smile or a chuckle to most people. Websites like Bored Panda have dedicated galleries to these hirsute heroes, and they often make headlines in Internet news outlets, delighting children and adults alike.

Do All Breeds of Horse Grow Mustaches?

Now that you know some horses can grow mustaches, you're probably wondering if all breeds of horses can pull off the look. The answer is no! Only a small but special group of horse breeds exhibit this interesting trait.

The Mustache Gene in Horses

Not every breed of horse carries the right gene that will allow the growth of a mustache. The ability of a horse to grow a mustache is strongly linked to its genetic makeup. So, it is not something you can predict or artificially induce but strictly a natural occurrence, unique and strong in certain horse breeds.

The Gypsy Vanner: A Moustache-Growing Breed

Gypsy Vanner mustache Horse

Meet the Gypsy Vanners, Gypsy Horse, or Gypsy Cobs! They hold a special place when it comes to horses that have facial hair, extracted from the looks that their mustache provides. The Gypsy Vanner is known for its long flowing mane and tail, the feathers on its lower legs, and also for its ability to grow a mustache! This breed is so interesting that it often becomes a subject of many case studies related to horse mustaches.

The Shire: Another High-profile Mustache Breeder

Shire horse

Not to be left out, the British breed, the Shire, is another high-profile mustache breeder. This large draft horse breed, often used for heavy pulling tasks, features not only a mane and long feathered lower legs like the Gypsy Vanner but is also a possible carrier of the right gene that can produce a mustache. Shires, male or female, often proudly wear their facial hair, adding a characteristic charm to their appearance.

Related: Curly Haired Horse: American Bashkir Curly Horse Breed

How Does a Horse Grow a Mustache?

Understanding how horses grow mustaches is likely to interest anyone curious about these beautiful creatures. They don't simply wake up one morning with a mustache - there's a whole horse mustache growth cycle to consider.

The Growth Cycle of a Horse Mustache

Horse mustaches don't appear overnight. They go through a growth cycle, much like the mane, tail, and body hair of the horse. It starts as small whiskers that gradually lengthen over time, eventually forming an observable mustache. Temperature changes can also affect the horse's mustache, with fuller, thicker growth occurring during the cooler months, and shedding happening when warmer weather sets in.

Every Horse's Mustache: How it Occurs

Whether a horse will grow a mustache doesn't solely depend on genetics; age plays an important role too. Young horses, or even certain older types, might not grow a much-pronounced mustache, while others, especially in their prime, may sport undeniable lip fur. And remember - this mustache can occur in both the male and female of the breed.

Facial Hair in Male and Female Horses

Facial hair, including mustaches, is not an exclusively male trait in horses. In many breeds, including those known to sprout mustaches like Gypsy Vanners or Shires, female horses can grow facial hair too. So, whether stallion or mare, if a horse carries the right gene, it can sport a mustache with pride!

Pictures of Horses with Mustaches

Horses with mustachesAfter reading all about horse mustaches, who wouldn't want to see some pictures of horses with mustaches? Horses with mustaches look just as magnificent and amusing as it sounds.

The Beautiful Stallions with Facial Hair

Friesian stallion with facial hairs

From the majestic Clydesdale to the pint-sized pony, the variety of horses sporting mustaches is quite large. And let's not discount the beautiful stallions with their flowing manes, stately posture, and their distinguished mustaches, looking every bit the gentlemen.

Is It Movember for Horses, Too?

Every November, men around the world participate in "Movember," trying to grow the most impressive mustache to raise awareness and funding for men’s health issues. And from the looks of these whiskered wonders, it seems horses might be unknowingly joining the cause as well.


Can horses grow mustaches as well as Men?

While the concept may seem odd, horses can indeed grow mustaches, much like men. This typically occurs mostly in certain breeds such as Gypsy Vanner, where both females and males may exhibit this phenomenon. Horse's mustaches are not as common as a man's, and their thickness and length can greatly vary. Nonetheless, seeing a horse with a mustache is an entertainingly peculiar sight that can evoke amusement or disbelief in those not familiar with the trait.

Can mares grow mustaches?

Yes, mares can indeed grow mustaches, especially those of certain breeds such as Gypsy Vanner. This is due to the presence of a gene that allows hair growth around the muzzle and jawline. The mustache appears more commonly in winter as part of the horse's natural adaptation to cold weather. It's not a universal trait however, not all mares will grow a mustache, and removal typically involves standard grooming procedures without harm to the horse.

Which breed of horses is more prone to grow a mustache?

The Gypsy Vanner breed of horses is more prone to grow a mustache. This striking physical attribute only adds to their overall charisma and charm. Fascinatingly, both male and female Gypsy Vanners can grow mustaches, and it is not a rare sight to see these horses with some serious facial hair populating their upper lip, regardless of age or sex.

Is it bad to shave a horse's whiskers?

Shaving a horse's whiskers is generally frowned upon in the equestrian community, as it can negatively impact the horse's sensory perception. Horses use their whiskers to feel and understand the environment around them, similar to how cats use theirs. Therefore, removing a horse's whiskers could lead to distress, confusion, and accidents. Several regions, including the EU, have banned the practice for welfare purposes. Before shaving a horse’s whiskers, consider the horse's well-being first, rather than aesthetics.

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